Welcome to Uptime Manager
Checkmate is an open-source server monitoring application used to track the operational status and performance of servers and websites.
It regularly checks whether a server/website is accessible and performs optimally, providing real-time alerts and reports on the monitored services' availability, downtime, and response time.
We have a demo where you can test how the Uptime Manager works. The username is uptimedemo@demo.com and the password is Demouser1!
Questions & ideas
If you have a question, head over to GitHub's discussions page.
Completely open source, deployable on your servers
Website monitoring
Port monitoring
Ping monitoring
Incidents at a glance
Page speed monitoring
Memory, disk, CPU and temperature monitoring
Docker monitoring
E-mail notifications
Scheduled maintenance
Roadmap (short term)
Status pages
DNS monitoring
SSL monitoring
Tech stack
Last updated